Travel directions
- By car:
A5 motorway Karlsruhe-Basel, take the exit signposted Appenweier/Renchtal, Oberkirch, Oppenau, Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
A 81 motorway Stuttgart-Singen, take the exit signposted Horb, Freudenstadt, Kniebis, Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
- By rail:
IC route Karlsruhe-Basel, then Renchtalbahn from Offenburg to Appenweier to Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
The Mülben Valley lies half way between the two villages of Bad Peterstal and Bad Griesbach. Follow the B 28, cross the Rench at the Mülben bridge and you are now in the locality of Mülben.
You will recognise our house, Mülben 14, immediately by the half-timbered style.
If you arrive by rail, we will be pleased to pick you up at the station.
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